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sâmbătă, 30 octombrie 2010

Awara Paagal Deewana 2002 film indian

Descriere film: Vikrant and Gulab Khatri are brothers-in-law who hate each other, and it
is only through Vikrant's dad, who is also a mafia underworld don, that
an uneasy peace is maintained. But when he passes away, a vengeful
Vikrant frames Gulab in the murder of a politician, forcing Gulab to
flee to the United States. Once there, Gulab hopes to re-build his life,
but this thought is in vain as his neighbors, the Acharyas, find out
about him and the reward offered for his arrest - and create a mini-hell
for him - forcing him to show his true colors to them - colors that may
well lead to the demise of the entire family.

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